Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Joel 2:12-13

Joel 2:12-13

12 That is why the Lord says,
      “Turn to me now, while there is time.
   Give me your hearts.
      Come with fasting, weeping, and mourning.
 13 Don’t tear your clothing in your grief,
      but tear your hearts instead.”
   Return to the Lord your God,
      for he is merciful and compassionate,
   slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.
      He is eager to relent and not punish.

Chicken Wire Everyyyywhere'

Yesterday I got a little crazy with the Chicken Wire....
I started chicken wiring my walls and life away...
hahaha... Crafting 101.

Summer is Ending

Summer is ending, and the school bells are ringing...haha... It's going to be kind of a change of pace for me this fall, but I'm looking forward to it. It's already feeling strange with the girls being back in school. And some of my closest friends that I've made here in the valley, are leaving to go back to school also. But I'm excited about it, I've never been in this position before where I havn't had a "close buddy" right next to me in what I was doing. I feel like it's going to be an intimate Season with God. Where it'll really be just He and I, and He will really be my best friend. Also I feel like it will be a true 'independent' Season as well. I can't wait for I want to see how I respond to all of it...ha! The rythms and routines are mixin' up, but mixin' up in the freshest and goodest of ways. I also have some exciting priorities and dreams I want to launch this Fall as well.... Stay Tuned ;)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Death Cab For Cutie

I got to see one of my favorite all time bands Death Cab, at The Greek Theatre in Los Angeles this last week. The Greek Theatre is basically my new favorite place. It's nestled in the most amazing neighborhood I've ever been in. It was asbolutely beautiful.
Good jams, good vibe. I had a hay day.
On this trip I also booked my first hotel/hostil haha. Taylor called on the people next door for being too loud, and then they got peeved and came and pounded on our door. I thought we were going to get shot for sure. Haha. It was an experience, but I loved every part about it. ...This is what I'm supposed to be doing at 20yrs old right?

(the stage)

(where we caught some Z's.)

US Open!

My friend Tay and I got to go to the US Open this summer! That's right... Waves, Tans, and Attractive men everywhere. ha ;)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Donald Miller's Take On... LOVE stories...

These Blog Posts rocked my world.
Thank You D.Miller.

I'm Learning...

Lately, God has been stirring up in me this hunger for something more. Or this hunger of  just wanting more of Himself. This feeling of not being okay with just living the normal life. I don't want to grow up and have my life belong to me or live my life for myself. I just want to be on my hands and knees in every aspect of my life, wherever I'm at, being His hands and feet. Doing something radical and selfless all for Him.
Because I've been learning...When I'm serving and loving Him fully and it's all for Him, I'm full of joy and the happiest. Which makes sense because it's the way God intended it to be. Plus not to mention, when what we're doing, is not for God...there is absolutely no merit to it.  hhhmmm....

Love This... Thanks Mama T.

"At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done.
We will be judged by "I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in."

Mother Teresa

Hume Lake.

Hume Lake...
Oh How I Love that place so much.
Here are some shots of the week I got to counsel some amazing, amazing girls.

Snack Shop. Mustache Fries. :)

My girls like dress up. :)

We Pray.

We Play.