Thursday, September 13, 2012

Beginning my Early Wish List.... ;)

Hunter Rain Boots are definitely my current eye candy....I can't stop looking at those fun peach ones matched with the olive green... take a peek Santa...?? ;)

Don't gain the whole World but lose your own soul.....

It’s true…what they say, and what I’ve been told my whole life is true. That whole sang…”Life is one of those things that’s constantly changing.” As I get older, I keep learning how much I don’t really know. Or how much I thought I knew but I’m actually just clueless. It’s cliché’ and cheesy to say something such as this, but I believe I’m in the time of my life where some of the biggest lessons I’ll ever learn while roaming this Earth are happening today. It would be easy for me to slide by and not really pay attention to the stuff I’m learning and discovering…  And sometimes it’s overwhelming and I just want to escape it for a few seconds, but most of the time and at the end of every day I can’t help but be engaged with it.

Some stuff I’m learning lately…
Go with the flow. Don’t have expectations. Surprises > Plans. Have dreams that scare me.  Live in the moments because in those moments, are always exactly where I need to be. Slow down, don’t rush. Take risks.  Be kind. Don’t hate yourself for making mistakes. Play outside. Play more. Wear something that makes you happy. Forgive. Work, but make it more than just a job. Guard your heart.  Laugh loudly. Laugh more. Get away, Go Out. Don’t keep secrets. Don’t take stuff so seriously sometimes. Have traditions. Don't be blinded by shiny objects. Dance & Sing more. Soak in people’s wisdom and be inspired. Talk to strangers. Live in a city where you hardly know anyone. Let life come easy. Make pretty home-made things. A prayer never goes unheard. Each day is particular. Don’t be afraid of money. Sometimes it's good to be alone. Listen. Don’t gain the World and lose your own soul.